Best The Empire of Corpses in HD Format
Now you can play full The Empire of Corpses in High Quality Video with duration 120 Min and was released on 2015-10-02 with MPAA rating is 0.- Original Title : Shisha no Teikoku
- Movie title in your country : The Empire of Corpses
- Year of movie : 2015
- Genres of movie : Horror, Science Fiction,
- Status of movie : Post Production
- Release date of movie : 2015-10-02
- Companies of movie : Wit Studio,
- Countries of movie : Japan,
- Language of movie : 日本語,
- Durationof movie : 120 Min
- Average vote of movie : 0
- Youtube ID of movie : 7MmFQxiroac
- Translation of movie : EN,DA,
- Actors of movie :Ayumu Murase (Friday), Yoshimasa Hosoya (John H. Watson), Akio Ootsuka (Mycroft Holmes), Takayuki Sugō (The One)
Movie synopsis of The Empire of Corpses :
Free The Empire of Corpses in HD Quality with movie summary "The story of The Empire of Corpses takes place in 19th century Europe, and revolves around John Watson. He is scouted by the government to become a secret agent- However, Watson lives in a world where "Frankensteins"- human corpses that are re-purposed with a false soul in order to use them as laborers- are used to improve industrial development." in high definition format. Watch full The Empire of Corpses in Best Video Format by clicking the button above.
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Director : Ryoutarou Makihara, Sound Director : Shouji Hata, Script : Kouji Yamamoto, Script : Midori Gotou
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